Marketing automation, the solutions and tools that allow marketers to control and leverage campaign aspects across multiple platforms from one location, is the bread and butter of today’s savvy marketer. For B2C marketers, marketing automation can be the missing link between campaign success and failure. There are plenty of reasons for marketers to implement automation solutions, one of which is to improve campaign engagement.

Campaign engagement, the metrics that tell marketers how well their campaigns are performing and converting, can greatly improve with the addition of marketing automation solutions. With these tools, marketers can communicate with consumers in real time and throughout the customer lifecycle. This increase in messaging gives consumers more opportunities to engage with, and respond to, the brand.

According to Email Monday, marketing automation high-performers have on average a 60% better lead-to-sale conversion rating. This highlights the direct correlation between marketing automation and conversions; when consumers are consistently targeted with strong, automated content, they are more likely to engage and, thus, convert.

Young female marketer working in a home office at her desk

Here are a few more ways marketers can leverage marketing automation to improve campaign engagement:

Increase and Promote 1:1 Communication

One major aspect of campaign engagement is facilitating and encouraging two-way communication, especially in the case of social media. Marketing automation solutions help track engagement across various platforms to target where consumers are most often interacting with a brand. Once marketers identify where these ‘hotbeds of engagement’ lie, they can then use marketing automation to optimize these campaigns, creating a positive feedback loop of identification and exploitation.

When consumers feel comfortable and confident with their brand relationships, they are more open and willing to communicate, provide feedback, and ultimately purchase from that brand. Marketing automation is key to perpetuate these organic relationships without overwhelming employee hours.

Send the Right Message at the Right Time

With marketing automation solutions, marketers can send precisely the right messages, content, and campaigns to consumers at vital decision-making moments. Triggered alerts and rules can be set up in the platform to fire content at specific moments or after certain actions are taken, when the consumer is already primed and ready for engagement. Marketers can build complex workflows to prepare for any consumer action.

Contacting consumers when they’re ready, at their pace, is a key step in campaign engagement, and automation allows marketers to plan ahead and optimize these interactions for maximum success. It can often be detrimental to a brand if a consumer feels rushed or pressured, and these automated workflows ensure customers are not inundated.

Marketing automation also helps A/B test various messages, cadences, and incentives, to identify the exact campaigns that lead to maximum conversions. With multiple paths and workflows to test, marketers never stop learning how to optimize their messages.

Personalize Content at Every Step of the Journey

Gone are the days of blanket mass messaging to huge audiences. With automation solutions, marketers can give customers what they expect – personalized interactions at every step of their buying journey. Whether it’s through email, social media, a website, or in-store, consumers are more likely to engage and interact with content that is personalized and tailored directly to their wants and needs.

Automation solutions allow marketers to plan and schedule these interactions ahead of time, planning ahead for personalized dynamic content. When specific actions trigger specific responses, marketers can be sure the right content is targeted at the right person. This also helps marketers ensure they are spreading the same message to consumers across all platforms and devices.

Sometimes, personalized content means personalized delivery. Marketers can use automation platforms to identify where consumers are engaging with their brands, and then use resources to bulk up those campaigns while scaling back on those that might not be as prevalent.

Customers are now in tune with e-commerce brands and marketing techniques, and they expect to be engaged where and when it’s convenient for them.


Marketing automation solutions allow for greater communication, personalization, and focus between marketers and their audiences. Increasing 1:1 communication helps build trusted, valuable relationships between brands and consumers. When consumers are being treated as important via marketing automation, they are more likely to engage and convert.

Learn more about our marketing automation solutions here.