What is retail email automation?

Retail email automation is a marketing strategy that uses automated email campaigns to engage with retail customers in real-time.

It involves using automation flows to trigger targeted emails based on specific customer behaviors, such as abandoned carts, recent purchases, or browsing history.

By automating these emails, retailers can increase customer engagement and loyalty, improve conversion rates, and ultimately drive sales.

What steps are involved in building an automated email campaign?

Define your goals: The first step in building an automated email marketing campaign is to define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your campaign? Are you looking to increase sales, drive website traffic, or improve customer engagement?

Segment your audience: Next, you’ll need to identify the audience you want to target with your campaign. This could include existing customers, leads, or prospects. An email automation platform like Emarsys uses AI-powered segmentation to build dynamic segments based on customer lifecycle status, average order value, product affinity, loyalty status and more.

Develop your content: With your platform in place, it’s time to develop the content for your campaign. This could include emails that welcome new subscribers, abandoned cart reminders or win-back campaigns that incentivize past customers.

Set up triggers and workflows: Once you have created the content for your campaign, it’s time to set up the triggers and workflows that will automate its delivery based on specific customer behaviors or actions such as opening an email or clicking on a link.

Test and optimize: With everything in place, it’s important to test and optimize your campaign to ensure that it is achieving its goals effectively. This could involve tweaking the content of individual emails or adjusting the timing of when they are sent.

Monitor performance: Finally, it’s important to monitor the performance of your automated email marketing campaign over time using metrics like open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and revenue generated.

What are examples of automated email marketing campaigns?

Welcome series: A series of emails sent to new subscribers to introduce them to your brand and encourage engagement.

Abandoned cart reminders: Emails sent to customers who added items to their cart but didn’t check out, reminding them of what they left behind and encouraging them to complete their purchase.

Win-back campaigns: Emails sent to past customers who have not made a purchase in a while, offering incentives or promotions to encourage them to return.

Upsell/cross-sell campaigns: Emails highlighting related products or services based on a customer’s previous purchases, encouraging them to make additional purchases.

Birthday/anniversary emails: Automated messages sent on a customer’s birthday or anniversary with your brand, thanking them for their loyalty and offering personalized discounts or gifts.

Win-back campaigns: A series of emails designed to re-engage inactive subscribers by offering incentives or asking for feedback.

Post-purchase follow-up: Emails sent after a customer has completed a purchase, thanking them for their business and asking for feedback on their experience.

Retail email automation with Emarsys

Emarsys is the customer engagement platform of choice for leading brands like PUMA, Pizza Hut, and Nike. These brands, and 1,500 others, use Emarsys’ email automation capabilities to increase acquisition, purchase frequency, average order value, and retention by unifying their customer, sales, and product data and enabling personalized cross-channel execution.