2019For the second year in a row, we’ve scoured the Internet to collect some of the best digital and e-commerce marketing content from the past year… all for your reading and learning pleasure.

Sometimes it seems like there’s SO much content out there, and it’s hard to know where or what, exactly, will be worth the time to read. This collection of 2018’s best insights, ideas, and case studies are, most assuredly, worth checking out (and even studying) as you sit around the fire during your downtime this holiday season. Check out what resonates, and leave the rest.

Marketing Technology, Digitization, Consumer Behavior, and CX

Driving Traffic, Content Creation, Building Your Database, and Improving CRO

twitter Check out the best #marketing, #ecommerce, #retail, #CX, #AI, & #datamanagement articles from 2018 CLICK TO TWEET

e-Commerce/Online Shopping and Retail

Personalization, 1-to-1 Marketing, and AI

Data and GDPR

Email Marketing

Creativity, Self Improvement, Career Growth

There you have it! While you don’t have to dig into all of these pieces of extraordinary content, reviewing even 5-10 titles that speak loudest to you will help you better understand the intricacies of your marketing strategy — both in hindsight, looking at the year behind, and as you look ahead towards a brighter 2019.

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