Here’s How You Turn Shopify Plus Data Into New Revenue Opportunities

Here are 15 tactics you can use to grow your company

What’s Inside

  • How to increase your number of second purchases.
  • Several methods to increase your Average Order Value (AOV).
  • Multiple tactics and examples you can leverage to turn prospects into buyers.

There’s much more inside the eBook.

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Gain Repeat Purchases

Did you know it’s 5x more expensive to acquire new customers than re-engaging the ones you already have? In fact, customers who purchase a second time are 53% likely to make a third purchase. If that customer makes a third purchase, they’re 64% likely to make a fourth.

Your most valuable customers are those who’ve purchased more than once. Because of this, it’s vital for your brand to retain and re-engage these active customers.

Tactics You Can Implement Right Away

To create the best experience for your customers, there are 15 different tactics you can use right away, inside your e-commerce store, to encourage customers to continue buying from you.

Download the eBook to gain access to all these tactics and find out how you can automate your team’s repetitive marketing tasks to save time, freeing you to focus on growth.

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